Coming from such an amazing experience from Nukko Lake Elementary in my first practicum, I had high hopes for my second. And I can tell you for certain, that Vanway did not disappoint.

Admittedly, I was even more nervous for this practicum than the last, and not because it was a little longer and included more teaching and prepping lessons. It was because I was placed in an intermediate grade 5/6 classroom. I’m very passionate about primary learning and since all my experience has come from primary classrooms, it’s where I feel more comfortable and I feel like I have more ideas stored for lessons and activities. Being in a grade 5/6 class was completely foreign and I had NO idea where to begin. First, I thought, what do grade 5/6 students even look like?! I didn’t even have a picture of what my practicum was going to look like and it scared me. But then, I went for a visit. As soon as I walked into that classroom and saw those faces, all that fear and feelings of anxiety went away. I still had no idea what I would do for lesson and activities with them, but I knew we were going to be a good fit.

One of my best memories was being able to incorporate movement into any lesson. Those students were so excited to do just about anything and it was so refreshing. They were the perfect class to come into for practicum, because I felt as though I could suggest just about anything and they would be game. Every Thursday afternoon, we would do our P.E. block outside (weather permitting). They had this game that they loved to play called “kick the cone” based off of the traditional name “kick the can.” Vanway has this little forest that borders the playground, which also is completely fenced in, so the students are allowed to play in it. The idea of the game is that the students go into the forest and hide and if I see them I call out their name and both of us has to race to kick the cone. If I kick it first, they go to “jail,” and if they kick it first, they’re free and they also free anyone who I had previously caught in jail. It was such a fun game, a great way to practice names, and also a way to be able to have some competitive banter with the students. I really created some awesome memories playing this game and it was a great way to get the students moving and participating. I actually learned a lot about teaching P.E. in this practicum, and it helped that my CT (coaching teacher) was an absolute expert at gym games and definitely helped reignite that passion for getting kids moving and promoting healthy living.

Four weeks FLEW by and before you knew it, I was on my last day. My students all drew pictures and wrote me notes that I could keep and presented it to me. They gave me a round of applause and cheers, which was a bad idea because I just started balling. It’s really a wonderful thing how attached you get so quickly. I didn’t want to leave because I wanted to hear all about one students hockey tournament or camping trips coming up. I felt part of the community and I didn’t want to leave it. I can’t imagine how hard the end of the year is leaving that class and knowing they’re moving on to the next grade. Bittersweet, of course, but I’m not sure it’ll ever get less emotional.

This practicum taught me a lot more than just how to navigate a classroom. It taught me a lot more about relationships and how important they are between students and their teacher. When one of the girls had an issue with her friend group, she instantly wanted to talk to my CT. He was a trusted person to them, and they felt safe with him. It was very inspiring to see, and made me feel even more deeply that this is the right profession for me. Thank you Vanway, for being so welcoming and allowing me to make the most incredible memories. I won’t soon forget!